Sunday, June 7, 2015

162. Ju-on: The grudge (2002)

Country: Japan
Directed by Takashi Shimizu

I am not a big fan of J-horror as it's been established the last 20 years with specific commercial characteristics and international audience.  However, I like and appreciate , even if they are far from to be masterpieces, a hand full of movies from this period. Ju-on is one of them and if you watch it probably you will understand why: beyond of any analysis Ju-on is really scary to watch. It creates a creepy atmosphere of psychological fear that obliges the viewer to feel insecure, uncomfortable and scared even if he is not sure what is this that make him feel that way. The plot often is complicated , without much sense and absurd: this is make the movie more weird and scary because is not a typical predictable film and the viewer doesn't know what to expect next. Somehow, is an inner archaic fear the one that is evoked when you watch the Ju-on: The grudge film. Even if not much violence is depicted the film still seems brutal. It's for sure an interesting movie to watch

Thursday, June 4, 2015

161. Hope (1970)

Country: Turkey
Directed by Yilmaz Guney

'Hope' is a very significant film for the revolutionary cinema movement in Turkey but also for Yilmaz Guney who after this movie radicalized his work,  turn it clearly in a political stream until the end of his life. However is interesting that 'Hope' is not a direct political film involving or incorporating a kind of communist propaganda. Instead the main character avoids any political participation,  hunting after his personal illusions. What Guney does is to tear one by one the false hopes of his hero as his financial and mental condition get gorsen,  been left at the end with nothing than despair. Then , without the movie to mention, is clear that the only path that is someone in his social position can follow is the path of the social struggle. Guney , to pass his message, uses a rather hard black and white photography,  a naturalism without much dramatization. However the end of the film is both tragic and surreal

You can watch the full movie (but without subtitles) here:

160. Fight for us (1989)

Country: Philippines
Directed by Lino Brocka

Artistically 'Fight with 'Fight for us'  can't reach the quality of others, previous Brocka's works. However, is a significal film as is probably the most radical, political daring and direct film ever made in Phillipines on attacking the Filipino regime that , even after the fall of Ferdinand Marcos, continued to oppress the people with that much brutality as before. With very emphatic way, through the story of a priest who after years of dynamic opposition to the previous government decides to be a peaceful activist until realize that this is not enough so he returns to the method of armed resistance , Brocka says that nothing really changed to the country and the people have to fight hard until the real liberation

You can watch the full movie here:

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

159. Dry summer (1964)

Country: Turkey
Directed by Metin Erksan

A classic black and white drama  narrating the fight for domination of the natural sources from conflicted groups of people, in this case of the water that for thousands of years was the most valuable asset for the agriculture societies. Then is the 'war' for the women that can be even more brutal than the previous one : the land and the girls, this seems to be the definition of prosperity . But mostly are the common patterns of the human behaviour that fascinate the viewer: the greed, the passion, the betrayal, Erksan uses a simple, easy to follow storyline that gets even more direct with the naturalistic way that is directed, to present all the above and he does it really well in a film that is considered as a masterpiece of Turkish cinema

 You can watch the full movie here: